Proudly Cut, Sewn & Made in The USA 🇺🇸


Every once in a while there’s an investment opportunity you just can’t say no to! A $25 barrier of entry with guaranteed 40X return.. How could you NOT get involved? 

We said the same thing during a call with good friend Ben Brettingten from OnXMaps as we strategized on our booth layout and the experience we wanted to provide to the upland community during Pheasant Fest 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  

The topic of ‘40X’ became a constant in our conversation and we knew we needed to take advantage of the unique opportunity to raise a substantial amount of money to support boots on the ground, public access and habitat restoration. The milestone of $1,000,000 was set.. But we weren’t quite sure how we’d get there.

For the many asking, “What is 40x?”, we’ll use the explanation provided by Pheasants Forever -  “Every single dollar donated towards Pheasants Forever’s habitat projects in Minnesota, Pheasants Forever is able to match those donations 40X thanks to PF Chapters and partners in conservation. The result stretches every contribution into more quality habitat and more public access for all!”

With a goal of helping raise one million dollars, we wanted to ensure we could lean into the upland community and work together to accomplish this incredible task.

Our solution to reach our goal and include as many people as possible was simple.. Final Rise and OnXMaps split the costs of designing and creating 1000 one-of-a-kind Pheasant Fest 2023 Blaze Orange hats and offer them online and  to everyone at the laragest upland trade show in the country!

At $25 a piece, a great offer on a really nice hunting hat, each hat would create $1000 in funding through the 40X match. 1000 hats at $25 each would generate $25,000 in base donation, paired with the 40X match and Pheasants Forever would have $1,000,000 in funding for their home state of Minnesota. 

As we write this, we have just under 200 hats left available here. We’d love your personal support to move these final hats and help us cross the finish line. 

As a small American Made business, all of us at Final Rise see the bigger picture and understand the importance of protecting and ensuring a healthy future for all upland species, habitat and the opportunity to ethically pursue and enjoy them. It aligns perfectly with our ‘Why'’ statement:

“Ensure the future success of the wing shooting community, upland species and upland game habitat through the creation of innovative and premium upland gear that elevates the upland hunters enjoyment and experience afield.”

Simply put, we won’t get what we love to do in our business, if there isn’t a place for our products to be used and enjoyed.

We’re grateful to our friends at OnX for aligning with us as partners in this awesome endeavor and helping realize its success. We couldn’t be more thankful and recognize them as a key partner in conservation. Please consider them the next time you need to dial in your online and digital mapping needs. I don’t hunt without it.

Until we make waves again - Thank you for helping make a difference. 

Yours in Conservation,

Matt Davis // Founder